Clinical Research Centre (CRC)
The CRC, which is currently based at the La Grave hospital, consists of :
a clinical coordination core
- support for clinical and translational research projects (administrative procedures, regulatory steps, implementation, closure)
- biological sample management (development of internal standard operating procedures for the collection, shipment, aliquoting and storage of biological fluids; development of biological fluid tracking forms that provide a detailed history for each sample)
- management of partnerships (internal and external) with access to associated biological and clinical data
a technical core for the acquisition of clinical and biological resources
- recruitment and monitoring of volunteers
- collection and preparation of biological samples (temporary storage on site, then centralisation at the Biological Resources Centre, monthly dispatch)
- phenotyping/acquisition of clinical data
- data entry
The CRC is staffed by experienced and qualified professionals who have received specific training in the relevant assessment instruments currently in use, preventive education and clinical trials. The CRC is complemented by a mobile research unit that can carry out study visits directly in the person’s home.
As part of the IHU, the CRC will provide a unique innovative infrastructure for prevention, access to innovation and clinical research in geroscience. Based on its experience and organisation, backed up by close interaction with local support structures, the CRC will serve as the recruitment and evaluation hub for all the clinical studies proposed as part of the IHU programme, implementing sophisticated tools and equipment to assess/monitor intrinsic capacities (IC) in line with the WHO’s Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) programme, conducting translational research in geroscience and testing the efficacy of new geroprotective drugs or non-pharmaceutical multi-domain preventive approaches.
Human platform
INSPIRE-T is an innovative research cohort (Click here) bringing together biological, clinical, digital and imaging data. This data will be used to meet two main objectives:
1- Identify biomarkers of biological ageing. Chronological age or civil age has always been used, but given the current state of knowledge, this definition is not appropriate for an ageing population. The challenge now is to define biological age, which makes it possible to specify an individual’s real age, which has a general and negative impact on the body’s functions. Advances in biology, which have given rise to the field of geosciences, combined with advances in artificial intelligence, should make it possible to gain knowledge of this biological age. Any differences observed between biological age (including the study of intrinsic capacity) and civil age (correlated with clinical evolution) could lead us to implement targeted and personalised actions.
2- Monitor changes in areas of intrinsic capacity such as sensory functions, mobility, cognitive functions (e.g. memory), psychological capacity and vitality, in conjunction with nutritional status, using the ICOPE Monitor mobile application and following the recommendations of the ICOPE programme (Integrated Care for Older People) proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The aim of this programme is to maintain individuals at their optimum level of capacity, and to define strategies for maintaining autonomy and preventing dependency.
Mouse platform
The IHU mouse platform has been created in parallel with the human platform in order to facilitate the translational approaches of the ageing project. It includes the data and tissue bank of the INSPIRE mouse cohort (Click here) and the functional phenotyping exploration platform for ageing mice (Click here).
Fish platform
The IHU’s fish platform has been generated in parallel with the human platform in order to facilitate the translational approaches of the ageing project.
We-Met biomarker platform – IHU – Longevity clinic
- Support structure for biomarker analyses
- Use of innovative technologies for protein and metabolic biomarker assays
- Biochemistry expertise at the service of the IHU’s scientific community
Human Biobanks Board
The purpose of the Human Biobanks Board is to examine requests from academic and private partners for access to samples from the INSPIRE-T human cohort. The board also considers requests for access to associated (‘clinical’) data in conjunction with the data-sharing committee.
Requests should be made by e-mail to the following generic address:, using the data access form (here).
The board meets once a month and examines requests in close collaboration with the data-sharing committee and the biomarkers committee.
Criteria for assessing applications:
- Suitability with the objectives of the IHU
- Scientific quality
- Originality in relation to projects and/or analyses already underway
- Methodology (choice of target population, techniques used)
- Suitability with the availability of biological data from the INSPIRE-T human cohort
- Relevance of the associated (‘clinical’) data required
- Impact
Biomarkers Board
The biomarker board is made up of various members of the IHU representing the different pillars of the project and experts in the field of biomarkers.
The board’s remit is to:
- Coordinate and evaluate biomarker study projects
- Organise the various biomarker collaborations
- Expertise and production on biomarkers
- Monitor scientific and technological literature
- Avoiding duplication (samples, assays) by coordinating analyses