The steering committee has an operational vocation to ensure the efficient conduct of the INSPIRE platform according to the general objectives and to maintain a dynamic between the various actors involved.
It is composed of representatives of the institutional scientific trustees of the founding laboratories:

Toulouse University Hospital


Represented by Valérie Pons-Prêtre, Secretary General of the Toulouse University Hospital (T.U.H), Pr Bruno Vellas Director of the T.U.H Gérontopôle and Sophie Guyonnet, INSPIRE Platform Manager.


Represented by Armelle Barelli, Regional Delegate in the Occitania Region, on behalf of the Inserm Director General, & by Pr Louis Casteilla, STROMALab Director (Inserm).

Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier University

Represented by Jean-Marc Broto, President of Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier University


Represented by Christophe Giraud, Regional Delegate in the Western Occitania Region