IHU HealthAge International Scientific Committee (5, 6 & 7 September 2024)
The International Scientific Committee of the IHU HealthAge was held on 5, 6 & 7 September 2024, bringing together 13 international experts responsible for evaluating the scientific projects submitted by the IHU teams. These meetings provided an opportunity to take stock of the first actions undertaken within the IHU and to discuss the strategies of each pillar, in particular the areas to be strengthened, the development of the INSPIRE-T human cohort and the mirror animal cohorts.
Prof. Luigi FERRUCCI (Chairman), Prof. N.LEBRASSEUR, Prof. John BEARD, Prof. Jeremy WALSTON, Prof. Walter WILLETT, Prof. Raffael DE CABO, Prof. Eric VERDIN, Prof. E. John ORAV, Prof. Josef PENNINGER, Prof. Anne BRUNET, Prof. Paul AISEN, Prof. Thomas SCHULZ, Prof. Michael WEINER.